Tag: meet

Middlesfur Mini-Meet 12th September

Phew, right as the August meet came to a close just a few hours ago, Im getting this out now, because why not? ^.^

So it’ll be the same drill as always, the schedule will remain the same and is as follows:

12 (midday): We will be meeting in Middlesbrough’s train station just outside WHSmith.

12:30: Leave the train station to walk to the venue (Games And Gums)

[showmap address=”Boulevard Cafe, 114 Borough Rd, Middlesbrough TS1 2ES” marker=”1″ map=”HYBRID” zoom=”17″ scroll=”1″ street=”1″ zoomcontrol=”1″ pan=”1″ mapcontrol=”1″ overview=”1″]

Of course at some point during this time (usually around 15:00) we will be going for food too, although the venue offers a range of drinks, American and traditional sweets. There is also a range of places to eat surrounding the venue too, so there’s something for everyone. The venue is definitely worth coming along to with it’s relaxed and social atmosphere, and can be found at @gamesandgums On Twitter and https://www.facebook.com/GamesAndGums on Facebook.

So that’s all there is to it, and of course any questions at all feel free to ask at:
myself (@HeyImSpiritWolf),
at Middlesfur’s official Twitter page (@middlesfur),
Neptune’s Twitter page (@Neptune_Colt)
or comment below.

Hope to see ya there,
