Author: Middlesfur

Middlefur 11th February Meet

hey furs,

We hope you are doing well and have recovered from the holidays! Firstly we would like to say thank you to all of you wonderful members for keeping us going strong. We are so happy that we can continue to run regularly and reliably with our new venue and we hope to continue to grow over the next few years. We are planning to become more consistent with our Artist of the Month dates, to show you new awesome artists.

The Schedule

11:30 Meet at Middlesbrough Bus Station.

12:00 Head to Resolution.

13:00 – 14:30 games and socialising

14:30-15:45 Fursuit walk (optional, usually at least one committee member will remain at the pub).

17:00 Meet ends at Resolution.

Venue Map

(Image was drawn by PastelClaws)

December Artist of the Month: Ookami Kemono

Heya furs,

We at Middlesfur hope all you furs are having a great holiday period, we know these few month can be tough so we hope you are doing well. For this month of cold, our Artist of the Month is master of fluff Ookami Kemono!

Ookami has an extremely fluffy style in a multiple of mediums, pencil, inked digital etc. Ookami makes comics, illustrations, motivational images, conbadges and more.

“Having two parents who specialize in the art field, I spent most of my time drawing during my youth. Mostly self-taught in pencil and ink techniques, I studied the basics of drawing anatomy from watching various cartoons and reading Japanese mangas. I loved drawing animals and animal-based characters. Later, I went to art college where I was introduced to the Furry Fandom.

My illustrations reached numerous published children’s books, CD covers, television, game magazines, webcomics, and published graphic novels. I was inspired by a lot of talented anthropomorphic artists and met a lot of wonderful people who helped me navigate through the fandom to where I am now.

I mostly do narrative and emotional based illustrations, dealing with personal mental troubles as well as cute and funny inspirational pieces. ” – Ookami Kemono


We hope that Ookami’s art has warmed you up this time of year and if you would like to see more on their work, checkout them on social media!

Where to find more Ookmai Kemono

Fur Affinity: o-kemono

Facebook: OokamiKemono

Comic Fury: lucidsdream

Deviant Art: o-kemono

Middlesfur 12th November (last meet of the year)

Hi furs,

As the title suggests this will be Middlesfur’s last meet of the year. We do not want you to think we are going for good so be rest assured the next meet after this one will be February. You will still be able to contact the committee members as usual but December and January are a busy time and reserving a venue is hard. We do hope that you have been enjoying our meets as much as we have running them. We are always striving to improve and try new things, so any constructive advise would be appreciated. The schedule for the November meet is as follows:

11:30: Meet at Middlesbrough Bus Station.

12:00: Head to Resolution.

13:00 – 14:30 games and socialising

14:30-15:45: Fursuit walk (optional, usually at least one committee member will remain at the pub).

17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

(Image was drawn by PastelClaws)

October Artist of the Month: nickyzilla

Hey furs, firstly we would like to apologizes for missing a couple of AotMs. However for the month of October our Artist of the Month is Nickyzilla! Nicky has light pin-up style and works primarily in digital artwork.

“My name is Monique, and I’m brazilian ,and since I was a kid a live in a big house where I could always have lots of animals ( mostly dogs and cats). I was a very shy kid so expend most of my time drawing and playing with my pets.
so I always loved to draw animals and thats makes me ending up here :)

My biggest inspirations are most Disney artists like Helen Chen , Cory Loftis and Ryan Lang . But I also have influence on Gil Elvgren pinups, Will Murai amazing paintings , Anna Catish amazing sense of design and style.” – nickyzilla

We hope that you, like us, love Nickyzilla’s work and use of bright and vivid colours to create such stunning artwork, if you do feel free to follow her on social media XD


Where to Find more nickyzilla

Fur Affinity



Deviant Art


Middlesfur Meet 8th October (Pokémon Tournament)

Heya furs,

It’s the Month of Halloween! and we are excited to bring you our Halloween Pokémon Tournament (rules Linked) that shall be run by Tempus. ?We will also be having our usual collection of games for those who wish not to participate (contact Neptune? if you have a game suggestion) Our schedule is:

11:30: Meet at Middlesbrough Bus Station.

12:00: Head to Resolution.

12:30 – 14:30 Pokémon Tournament & games.

14:30-15:45: Fursuit walk (optional, usually at least one committee member will remain at the pub).17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

As usual if you have any questions or suggestions, comment or contact us via social media.

(Image was drawn by PastelClaws)


4 Year Anniversary Meet 10th September

Hiya furs,

We hope you are doing well, we are as September is our 4 year anniversary!? When we started our meet 4 years ago we could never have guessed that we would have made such a great community and for that we thank you. If you have been to our anniversary meets before you will know that we have a pub quiz and this year will be no different (and yes that means we will have prizes). We are excited to celebrate our growing furmeet with you and hope you will attend. The schedule is as follows:

11:30 – Meetup at Middlesbrough bus station.

12:00 – Head over to the Resolution

13:00 to 14:00 – Pub Quiz

14:15 – Fursuit walk (weather permitting)

17:00 – Meet ends

As always we ask you to follow our Code of Conduct for the benefit of all furries attending as well as the general public.

(Image was drawn by PastelClaws)

Middlesfur Meet 13th August

Hey furs,

Hope you’ve all had a great summer, I’m personally enjoying the colder weather – Neptune, this month we are having our usual mix of games and fursuit walk. Also, we now have a Code of Conduct we ask you to follow, feel free to comment or contact a committee member if you have any questions. Hope to see you there ?

The schedule is as follows:

11:30: Meet at Middlesbrough Bus Station.

12:00: Head to Resolution.

13:00 – 14:30 games and socialising

14:30-15:45: Fursuit walk (optional, usually at least one committee member will remain at the pub).17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

(Image was drawn by PastelClaws)

July Artist of the Month: Werepuppy

July’s Artist of the Month

Hey, furs! For the month of July, the Middlesfur committee has chosen Werepuppy Creations as our Artist of the Month! Werepuppy is a digital artist that produces amazing artwork for furries and she creates many original characters. One style she enjoys to draw is candy gore. Her work is popular and sometimes for those who don’t always have art of their fursonas. She has her own Facebook page, Patreon, amongst other ventures. We asked what inspired her work and why she enjoys drawing furry art.

“I’ve always been a furry, as well as therian, but it was discovering the game Furcadia that made me realise what furries actually were, and that was what I was. I went into roleplay and started drawing the characters for that, and it kinda evolved from there. I love creating characters especially, which is why I’m currently running the Wing it Fursona program, to give those without very many characters the chance to own a well designed one for free. As for influences for my art style, it started off with cartoons like Lion King and Balto, and I got further inspired by Goldenwolfen and Frisket17 when I started to discover other furry artists.”


Where to Find more Werepuppy

Facebook: werepuppycreations

Trello: werepuppy-commissions



Twitch: werepuppycreations

Middlesfur Meet 9th July

Hey furs,

Hope you are all doing well, this month we have decided to add something art based to the schedule. So grab your pens and pencils as Neptune will be hosting a mixture of drawing games. Do not worry if you can not draw, it is more about encouraging more furs to start drawing and having fun and we will be having our normal mix of games and the fursuit walk. Feel free to comment if you have any questions. The schedule is as follows:

11:30: Meet at Middlesbrough Bus Station.12:00: Head to Resolution

12:00: Head to Resolution

13:00 – 14:30 Art games (normal board games available for those who wish not to take part)

14:30-15:45: Fursuit walk (optional, usually at least one committee member will remain at the pub).17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

17:00: Meet ends at Resolution.

See you then XD

(Image was drawn by PastelClaws)


June Artist of the Month: Frith

June’s Artist of the Month

It is June, and for the month of June, our Artist of the Month is Frith! Furs who attend Middlesfur will know both Frith and her artwork from our meets. Frith’s fursona is a jackalope (“A mythical animal depicted as a hare or rabbit with horns, said to exist in parts of North America.” – Oxford English Dictionary) with an eye for shiny objects. We love Frith’s bold outline style with bright colours, she even made our 3-year anniversary pictures last September.

“Hello! My name is Frith and I’m one of the artists here at Middlesfur. I’ve been drawing traditionally for as long as I can remember but only picked up digital art when I was around 13 after I discovered Neopets and an artist called Kuitsuku who drew fanart of the characters. I was entirely hooked by the big-eyed, crisp-lined, ploofy style which, looking back, should have tipped me off that I was a low-key furry … as it stands, I only truly accepted my furriness in 2015 when I attended Middlesfur for the first time and … here I am! I debuted my very own fursuit at this year’s Confuzzled after a more than a year and a half in the works. My fursona is Frith Silverthings, a magpie-jackalope with a penchant for shiny objects. I made his head and paws with lots of help from the community, especially the residents of Middlesfur and Kloofsuits’ tutorials on YouTube. I’m incredibly thankful to everyone who helped me through the process. In the future I plan to create a full plantigrade suit for him and I have no doubt I will continue to receive help and support from this incredible fandom. Thank you” – Frith

We at Middlesfur are so happy to have such a great artist who comes to the meets and produces cool art for us XD



Where to Find more Frith

Twitter: @JackalBunny

Furaffinity: Lievre

Deviantart: mondaysraptor

Email: [email protected]