Author: Middlesfur

14th November 2021 meet (Covid rules apply)

Heya furs, this is the month of bonfire night and fireworks so please be careful and take care of your pets, given this loud season. Now the hot weather is gone, suiting will be cooler at least. We all hope you stay safe this November and come to see us at this meet as it’ll be the last meet of the year.

The Venue

We meet at the Resolution, we normally meet upstairs on the raised area. However, we may have to sit downstairs again depending on their staffing and if they are able to keep both open.

The Schedule

  • 11:35-11:55 :- Meetup at the busstation for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find the Resolution (please go to the Resolution straight away at 12:00 if you know where we meet to avoid large crowds)
  • 12:00-14:00 :- Food and socialising, along with catching up (Resolution)
  • 14:00-14:45 :- games and socialising
  • 14:45-15:15 :- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
  • 15:15-17:00 :- more socialising and games
  • 17:00 :- Meet officially ends

Covid safety rules

  • If you currently have symptoms or a positive test please do not attend
  • You will be required to bring a vaccine card/NHS app with both dosages given
  • If you have a valid medical reason you cannot have the vaccine be careful attending
  • If you have a valid medical reason please take a test the day before attending
  • Medical conditions don’t include: conspiracy theories, just not wanting to have it etc.
  • Please wear masks if meeting at the bus station or on the walk
  • Please limit physical contacts between members
  • Given that some of our members have pre-existing conditions, knowingly breaking covid rules may result in being sent home or permanently banned from future meets

10th October 2021 meet (Covid rules apply)

Heya furs, it’s spoopy month and we hope you’re all having a great month. Given how smoothly the last meet went, meeting in person, we have decided to continue IRL meets for the foreseeable future. We will still have our covid restrictions like last month, see below for details.

The Venue

We meet at the Resolution, we normally meet upstairs on the raised area. However, we may have to sit downstairs again depending on their staffing and if they are able to keep both open.

The Schedule

  • 11:35-11:55 :- Meetup at the busstation for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find the Resolution (please go to the Resolution straight away at 12:00 if you know where we meet to avoid large crowds)
  • 12:00-14:00 :- Food and socialising, along with catching up (Resolution)
  • 14:00-14:45 :- games and socialising
  • 14:45-15:15 :- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
  • 15:15-17:00 :- more socialising and games
  • 17:00 :- Meet officially ends

Covid saftey rules

  • If you currently have symptoms or a positive test please do not attend
  • You will be required to bring a vaccine card/NHS app with both dosages given
  • If you have a valid medical reason you cannot have the vaccine be careful attending
  • If you have a valid medical reason please take a test the day before attending
  • Medical conditions don’t include: conspiracy theories, just not wanting to have it etc.
  • Please wear masks if meeting at the bus station or on the walk
  • Please limit physical contacts between members
  • Given that some of our members have pre-existing conditions, knowingly breaking covid rules may result in being sent home or permanently banned from future meets

8th Annifursary IRL 12/09/2021 (Covid rules apply)


Heya furs, you read that right our 8th anniversary meet will be in IRL again! We thank you so much for all your support and patients during these hard times, between Covid and adapting to online meets has not been easy for anyone but thank you again.

When Middlesfur first started 8 years ago, we never thought that years later we’d still be here. Through the thick and thin of it, from drama to cease and desist requests with our old logo, we are still going. We thank everyone who was there from the beginning and those who joined up along the way. Our meet has changed a lot from logos, venues, committee members, and our members but we want to continue to grow and adapt to what you furs want, including expanding our merch (

The Venue

Yes, we are going back to the Resolution, this is because of its willingness to cooperate with the meet at no cost while being close to the bus station with space and alcohol available at a reasonable price. If you know of a better location for future meets please contact a committee member with the information.

The Schedule

  • 11:35-11:55 :- Meetup at the busstation for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find the Resolution (please go to the Resolution straight away at 12:00 if you know where we meet to avoid large crowds)
  • 12:00-14:00 :- Food and socialising, along with catching up (Resolution)
  • 14:00-14:45 :- Pub quiz with prizes (individual, not teams)
  • 14:45-15:15 :- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
  • 15:15-17:00 :- more socialising and games
  • 17:00 :- Meet officially ends

Covid saftey rules

  • If you currently have symptoms or a positive test please do not attend
  • You will be required to bring a vaccine card/NHS app with both dosages given
  • If you have a valid medical reason you cannot have the vaccine be careful attending
  • If you have a valid medical reason please take a test the day before attending
  • Medical conditions don’t include: conspiracy theories, just not wanting to have it etc.
  • Please wear masks if meeting at the bus station or on the walk
  • Please limit physical contacts between members
  • Given that some of our members have pre-existing conditions, knowingly breaking covid rules may result in being sent home or permanently banned from future meets
(Anni-fur-sary artwork by Frith)

08th August 2021 (Discord)

Hey furs, we all hope that you’re all doing ok as the heatwave cools down. Unfortunately, the title isn’t a mistake, this month we are still having a Discord meet due to Covid. The committee is constantly reassessing the situation and is prioritising the safety of our members, as we’ve said before we want to meet up as much as you do but we have to be safe.

We’ll have games, memes, and chats on Discord from 12:00-17:00 and will update you on any changes as more information comes to light.

11th July 2021 (Discord)

Hey furs, enjoying the football ⚽ and the heat as much as you can. As from the title you can tell that we are on Discord again. This is due to the recent spike in covid, we want to see you as much as you do but we need to be responsible. We are always updating the Discord server and trying to improve including new channels, roles and bots but are always looking to add more so feedback is always good. At the discord meet we voice chat, stream and play games, share memes, and more.

12:00-17:00 discord meet

13th June 2021(Discord)

Hey furs, happy pride month from those of us at Middlesfur?️‍? As you may or may not know, we’ve added more channels to our Discord including:#?lgbtq-plus-faq and #⚧trans-and-nb-tips along with adding pronoun roles in the #roles section in prep for pride. We are happy that our meet can be so accepting of each other and that you feel comfortable being yourselves.

The sun is starting to heat up and we know the last year has been hard on us all but for this month we are still Discord only until more of us have been vaccinated and things loosen up. Again thank you for all your understanding during these hard times as we’ll be more than happy to see you furs once we can.

12:00-17:00 discord meet

9th May 2021(discord)

Hey furs, we hope you’re doing well this may and enjoyed May the 4th and Star Wars day! We’re on Discord again doing memes and games so hope you all join again as we wait for pubs to allow meets again. Sorry for the late post this month, Neptune hasn’t been well so she apologies. As usual we are meeting from 12:00-17:00 and below is the discord link:

11th April 2021 (discord meet)

Hey furs, spring is here so I know all you bunnies have been busy laying easter eggs ? , but hopefully, you’re not too tired to join us on the next discord meet! We know that people can meet outside in 6s but we are bigger than 6 so online it is for now. We will be playing games and hanging out 12:00-17:00 as always and are always welcoming to noobies so just want to see what all the fuss is about, we don’t bite ❤ Spring is here and we’re ready to come out of the darkness and soon the world will be back to our “normal” furry lives, should be just a few more meets to go!

14th March 2021(discord)

Hey furs, spring is coming and so is the March meet! We hope you are all doing well and staying safe. We know you want to see us irl again but unfortunately, the pubs remain closed and we remain online. We will continue to have games and other chat things and as always any idea are encouraged.

12:00-17:00 discord meet

14th February 2021(discord)

Hey furs, the next meet is on valentine’s day ❤ that means nothing for us single furs sitting in our pyjamas alone every day. So, we are meeting up online again for our discord meets that we will be doing games and chat nonsense as always.

12:00-17:00 discord meet