Hi furs,
Well at long last, here we are, ten years of Middlesfur. This September is the anniversary meet! It’s been a long ride, but a very enjoyable one. We hope as many of our members old and new have the opportunity to join us for this celebration. We have a pub quiz planned, karaoke, bowling, and go-carting! Most of all this is a celebration of the furry spirit and community we have built together. There’ll be a meet at the bus station from 11:30am and then on to the Isaac’s at 12:00. A quiz will take place at 13:30. If suiters are present, we will aim for a fur walk at 15:00, with a committee member staying behind at the pub if anyone wants to stay. Eventually we will move to level X, for bowling, karaoke, and go-karting. We hope to make it a fun day for all! Thank you all who have attended in the past and welcome to all newcomers. We hope to continue the mini-meet for as long as possible. With your support, we can make this happen! Happy birthday Middlesfur! Let’s party!
Middlesfur committee,
Neptune, Spirit, Dust, Zimbe, and Sarah.
The Schedule
- 11:3o-11:50:- Meetup at the bus station for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find The Isaac Wilson (please go to Isaac’s straight away at 12:00 if you know where we meet to avoid large crowds)
- 12:00-13:30:- Food and socialising, along with catching up (The Isaac Wilson)
- 13:30-14:45:- Pub Quiz
- 15:00-15:30:- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
- 15:30-17:00:- more socialising and games
- 17:00:- Meet officially ends, head to Level-X for go-carting, karaoke etc.
After Party