19th November 2023 (Date Changed)
Heya furs, now that spooky season is over and the winter holidays are coming, we’re gonna be hearing those same songs everywhere again. So, why not come and see us again before the end of the year and celebrate all the fun we’ve had this year.
The Schedule
- 11:35-11:50:- Meetup at the bus station for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find The Isaac Wilson (please go to Isaac’s straight away at 12:00 if you know where we meet to avoid large crowds)
- 12:00-14:00:- Food and socialising, along with catching up (The Isaac Wilson)
- 14:00-14:45:- games and socialising
- 14:45-15:15:- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
- 15:15-17:00:- more socialising and games
- 17:00:- Meet officially ends, head to Level-X for go-carting, karaoke, etc.