9th July 2023
Hey furs, I hope you’re all staying safe in the heat, according to the news July is going to be hotter. For our fursuiters we’ll be bringing water, but we definitely recommend being sensible if you’re too hot don’t be a hero! For those of you who went to LevelX you’ll know how much of a great time we had, fursuit bowling, and even the Committee doing 2 hours of Karaoke in the private booth! (I know right, such cringe). Anyway, we’re going black to levelX, for those of you who don’t know, LevelX has: VR, crazy golf, bowling, arcade machines, karaoke, go-karting, darts, and more! That doesn’t mean we’re not going to have our usual fursuit walk(weather permitting) games, etc., and congratulations to the winners of last month’s pub quiz!
The Schedule
- 11:35-11:50:- Meetup at the bus station for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find The Isaac Wilson (please go to Isaac’s straight away at 12:00 if you know where we meet to avoid large crowds)
- 12:00-14:00:- Food and socialising, along with catching up (The Isaac Wilson)
- 14:00-15:00:- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
- 15:00-17:00:- more socialising and games
- 17:00:- Head to LevelX