9-Year Anniversary Meet 9th October (Reschedule)
Well hello to all our amazing furs, we sure hope that you all are doing well. Yes, you read that right, it’s been 9 whole years since Middlesfur was founded! Looking back throughout the years, it has certainly been a wild ride and a lot of things have changed. In our first few years, things were tough, not knowing if anyone will attend, and also the venue may have decided to not open without telling us. After that things slowly grew as word got around. We had to change venues multiple times, changing the meet day to avoid conflicts with other meets, and Neptune being woken up at 4 am to be told that our logo was infringing copyright. We soldiered on though, designed our new and better logo, and continued to grow. Recently we had to adapt to online meets, and due to the Covid times, we had to hide in our homes. This was hard for not only us, but also you lovely members. Middlesfur became an important time in our lives and it was frustrating to not be able to see each other, but we survived and came out the other side. We’ve made a lot of good friends along the way, some moved away or had to stop coming, but we appreciate you all for making Middlesfur. From all of the Middlesfur committee, we thank you for making Middlesfur what it is today and we can’t wait for what the future holds.
For our anniversary, we’re going to have a pub quiz to celebrate and give back to you, our loving members. As with every year, it’ll be free to enter and will have prize support. We will also be having games and of course, the fursuit walk, weather and suiters permitting. We hope to see you there!
11:35-11:55:- Meetup at the bus station for those who want to speak to the committee first or cannot find the Resolution
12:00-14:00:- Food and socialising, along with catching up (Resolution)
14:00-14:45:- Pub quiz with prizes (individual, not teams)
14:45-15:15:- fursuit walk (weather and suiters permitting)
15:15-17:00:- more socialising and games
17:00:- Meet officially ends
The Venue
We meet at the Resolution, we normally meet upstairs in the raised area. However, we may have to sit downstairs again depending on their staffing and if they are able to keep both open.
