Hey furs, 7 years ago Middlesbrough got a little bit more furry when we became Middlesfur! Things have changed from year to year, venues, committee members, global pandemics but we’re still here and are rushing on to the double digits and you furs are to thank. We wouldn’t be Middlesfur without our Middlesfurs and thank you for your continued support.
Now due to the current nature of the world this months schedule is not as concrete as other years so keep an eye out for changes on social media and or here as we adapt to the changes:
12:00-17:00 discord meet
18:00 Outdoor meet at the big TV near Middlesbrough Centre Square Fountain. Masks and distancing are mandatory and no sharing of fursuits. Weather permitting.
Unfortunately the committee decided it wasn’t safe to have yet. We want to see you furs as much as you do and haven’t made this choice lightly.