May Artist of the Month 2018: Tatyana(AriesRedLo)

Hey furs, it’s May and we hope you’re doing well. For the month of May we bring you ?HORSES? with Tatyana(AriesRedLo). Tatyana is a Russian artist who started out drawing exclusively horses but she has started to branch out into the anthro market in recent years. Her work is primarily digital but has a traditional painterly aesthetic with vibrant and dramatic backgrounds.
“My name is Tatiana, I’m from Russia and I’m 21 (it’s tomorrow). I’m drawing on a graphics tablet since 2011. But, from 2011 to 2016 I painted only horses! Therefore, it is still very difficult for me to draw an anthro, but I try to improve my skills. I can not say if I have a certain style, I think it is only at the stage of formation, since I still have a lot to learn. For me, the main thing in drawing is the atmosphere. Therefore, my favorite artists are Wildering and OKITHAU. My inspiration comes from beauty of nature and from communication with animals, especially from horses :D” – Tatyana
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VKontakte: ariesredlo
Fur Affinity: AriesRedLo