February 2018 Artist of the Month: Kyander

Heya furs,
We hope you had a great holiday period, and for the first Artist of the Month for 2018! Kyander’s work makes exceptional use of light and shadow to produce depth in their work. They are known for their pinup work in both digital and traditional media and their expressive posing. This comes together to create a clean professional art piece that would feel right at home on the side of a Harley.
“Well, the reason I draw is just because I like the process of doing it. And it’s a cool feel when you make a piece of art from nothing. I get my ispiration from my friends, from different sci-fi themed things like art, movies, games, etc. Sometimes photos of interesting, cozy and beautiful places on the Earth inspire me.
I mostly use my FA and telegram for sharing artworks, but sometimes i appear on twitter and DA” – Kyander
Social Media
Fur Affinity: kyander
Telegram: kyanderscraps
Twitter: @Kissyander
Deviantart: kissa-artist