December Artist of the Month: Ookami Kemono

Heya furs,
We at Middlesfur hope all you furs are having a great holiday period, we know these few month can be tough so we hope you are doing well. For this month of cold, our Artist of the Month is master of fluff Ookami Kemono!
Ookami has an extremely fluffy style in a multiple of mediums, pencil, inked digital etc. Ookami makes comics, illustrations, motivational images, conbadges and more.
“Having two parents who specialize in the art field, I spent most of my time drawing during my youth. Mostly self-taught in pencil and ink techniques, I studied the basics of drawing anatomy from watching various cartoons and reading Japanese mangas. I loved drawing animals and animal-based characters. Later, I went to art college where I was introduced to the Furry Fandom.
My illustrations reached numerous published children’s books, CD covers, television, game magazines, webcomics, and published graphic novels. I was inspired by a lot of talented anthropomorphic artists and met a lot of wonderful people who helped me navigate through the fandom to where I am now.
I mostly do narrative and emotional based illustrations, dealing with personal mental troubles as well as cute and funny inspirational pieces. ” – Ookami Kemono
We hope that Ookami’s art has warmed you up this time of year and if you would like to see more on their work, checkout them on social media!
Where to find more Ookmai Kemono
Fur Affinity: o-kemono
Facebook: OokamiKemono
Comic Fury: lucidsdream
Deviant Art: o-kemono