October Artist of the Month: nickyzilla

Hey furs, firstly we would like to apologizes for missing a couple of AotMs. However for the month of October our Artist of the Month is Nickyzilla! Nicky has light pin-up style and works primarily in digital artwork.
“My name is Monique, and I’m brazilian ,and since I was a kid a live in a big house where I could always have lots of animals ( mostly dogs and cats). I was a very shy kid so expend most of my time drawing and playing with my pets.
so I always loved to draw animals and thats makes me ending up here :)
My biggest inspirations are most Disney artists like Helen Chen , Cory Loftis and Ryan Lang . But I also have influence on Gil Elvgren pinups, Will Murai amazing paintings , Anna Catish amazing sense of design and style.” – nickyzilla
We hope that you, like us, love Nickyzilla’s work and use of bright and vivid colours to create such stunning artwork, if you do feel free to follow her on social media XD