June Artist of the Month: Frith

June’s Artist of the Month
It is June, and for the month of June, our Artist of the Month is Frith! Furs who attend Middlesfur will know both Frith and her artwork from our meets. Frith’s fursona is a jackalope (“A mythical animal depicted as a hare or rabbit with horns, said to exist in parts of North America.” – Oxford English Dictionary) with an eye for shiny objects. We love Frith’s bold outline style with bright colours, she even made our 3-year anniversary pictures last September.
“Hello! My name is Frith and I’m one of the artists here at Middlesfur. I’ve been drawing traditionally for as long as I can remember but only picked up digital art when I was around 13 after I discovered Neopets and an artist called Kuitsuku who drew fanart of the characters. I was entirely hooked by the big-eyed, crisp-lined, ploofy style which, looking back, should have tipped me off that I was a low-key furry … as it stands, I only truly accepted my furriness in 2015 when I attended Middlesfur for the first time and … here I am! I debuted my very own fursuit at this year’s Confuzzled after a more than a year and a half in the works. My fursona is Frith Silverthings, a magpie-jackalope with a penchant for shiny objects. I made his head and paws with lots of help from the community, especially the residents of Middlesfur and Kloofsuits’ tutorials on YouTube. I’m incredibly thankful to everyone who helped me through the process. In the future I plan to create a full plantigrade suit for him and I have no doubt I will continue to receive help and support from this incredible fandom. Thank you” – Frith
We at Middlesfur are so happy to have such a great artist who comes to the meets and produces cool art for us XD
Where to Find more Frith
Twitter: @JackalBunny
Furaffinity: Lievre
Deviantart: mondaysraptor
Email: [email protected]