Artist of the Month Stefi Heartlilly

Hey furs, we at Middlesfur would like to introduce you to new artists in the furry community. So at the start of every month, we are going to highlight an artist that we appreciate.
For the month of April our chair Neptune has chosen Stefi Heartlilly! Neptune has purchased quite a few of Heartlilly’s prints along with commissioning pieces of artwork from her. Heartlilly works both digitally and traditionally and has a distinct watercolour art style.
“I enjoy drawing anthropomorphized deities and animals, playing with personifications. Often using animal features to express a characters feelings and experiences, or just for fun! I love to design fantasy characters from fantasy realms, and have found various ‘online’ societies to be inviting of my work. Most of my commissions currently come from these societies of escapism. In the last few years i traveled to various geek/fantasy conventions all over the UK to sell and promote my work. My fan base has gradually built up around my Romantic feminism style, which is often absent in game/fandom conventions largely attended by men.” – Stefi Heartlilly’s about page.
(Some of the commissions Heartlilly has done for Neptune)
If you want to know more about Stefi Heartlilly and her artwork please see the links below: