Month: October 2015

Middlesfur Mini-meet 14th November

Well hello there fluffballs, it’s time to party, we have birthdays to celebrate of two of our mini-meet staff (Wolfie and Desirae), the plans are as followed:

12 (midday): We will be meeting in Middlesbrough’s train station just outside WHSmith on the benches.
12:30: Leave the train station to walk to the venue (Games And Gums)
17:00: The meet will come to a close.
Usually at around 15:00, people go off for food although the venue serves a delicious range of American drinks and candies. However, this meet will also entail cake! Everyone loves cake! There’s a wide variety of places selling food dotted around near the venue. The venue is definitely worth coming along to with it’s relaxed and social atmosphere, and can be found at @gamesandgums On Twitter and on Facebook.

Any questions then feel free to ask us over at :

Wolfie’s Twitter page (@HeyImSpiritWolf),
at Middlesfur’s official Twitter page (@middlesfur),
My Twitter page (@Neptune_Colt)
Desirae’s Twitter page (@DesiraeMarmi)

See you there for fun filled celebrations!